Terms of Transfer of balance to Others : Website4
Terms of Transfer of balance to Others : Website4

Terms of Transfer of balance to Others : Website4

3 Ways to Transfer the Latest Smartfren Credit 2020

The 3 ways to transfer the latest smartfren credit in 2020 are important insights into today’s digital age. If in the past credit was only meant to send short messages or call now he is already the main fan of the modern lifestyle. All activities that require interaction with other people can be done using gadgets.

From communication, seeking information, buying and selling transactions, entertainment, etc, everything can be done using credit/credit/balance. Therefore, you will be confused when the data used is exhausted. For both important and secondary needs will stop completely when it is over.

Smartfren that emphasizes players’ needs, provides solutions. Among them, users can make transactions through one of the 3 ways to transfer smartfren credit in 2020. So that for a while you can access the internet before filling it yourself.

3 Ways to Transfer the Latest Smartfren Credit 2020

Below is the method used to transfer smartfren credit in an easy way.

  1. By Short Message

The first 3 ways to transfer the latest smartfren credit in 2020 can use the short message service to transfer balances to other people. In the message box type SEND{.} their smartfren number{.} the transaction value. The content of this message please send to 879. When the process is successful, you will get information ranging from the destination number, nominal, to your remaining credit.

  1. Through My Smartfren

Smartfren provides a free application on the play store that provides information services and makes other transactions including sending balances. Download and install it on your electronic device.

  1. First step of transfer, please go to the start page.
  2. Ikklikkja l-pannell “ibgħat kreditu”
  3. A data form will be displayed, including the “Destination Number” you want to  fill in with the number of the provider you want to send. Then on the “Amount” form fill in the amount of  credit you want to send.
  4. When you are ready to fill in the form data, please press the “submit” panel

When delivery is not a problem, you will get a message about the delivery that is successful with the accompanying data. In the delivery process with My Smartfren, your  credit is deducted 5 hundred rupiah as a transaction fee.

  1. Through UTK smart access.

When you want delivery without the burden of the reduction, you can use UTK Smart Access. First step, please access E- Pulsa – navigate to “send Credit”. Type all required data such as target number, credit amount, and MPIN.

After sending the credit, of course, you can check the certainty of success and the nominal current balance. The method is easy, you just need to send a short message to the number 999 and fill in the message writen “CEK” to get data on bonuses and balances. It may also be that this process is done using a voicemail “dial”.

Balance information can be obtained through the calling service. Please enter the number * 999# to get regular credit data . For bonus data on the dialing menu, you can use the number * 995 #.


  1. neinassports.com
  2. jakartagamefest.com
  3. lossimarket.com
  4. info-lenovo.com
  5. hpsschools.org
  6. trainzsc.com
  7. saintgermaincafe.com
  8. as-love.com
  9. mahataaerotech.com
  10. gamingnewsme.com
  11. semen-cibinong.com
  12. kenahack.com
  13. alumniipb.org
  14. cardink.net
  15. linuxprofilm.com
  16. our-cats.com
  17. seizeurfuture.com
  18. inspiredtown.com
  19. richehotel.com
  20. worldonastring.me
  21. dimeonadime.com
  22. newsrightly.com
  23. miniaussiedog.com
  24. partaiponsel.org
  25. preslermuseum.com 

Terms of Transfer of balance to Others

Of course, leading the 3-way process of transferring smartfren credit in 2020 there are rules of the game that should be successful to consider. If you do not meet the applicable requirements, the delivery process fails, here is the description:

  1. The minimum transfer of balance is worth a thousand rupiah, while the greatest value is 100 thousand. The balance may be transferred with a value of multiples of a thousand. Where the transfer of the balance with a value of 50,500 cannot take place.
  2. When you want to send, the number must be active, as well as the target is still active as well. And it can send it limited to smartfren suppliers.
  3. When sending, the credit on the sender number is still at least 5 thousand rupiah when delivery is completed.
  4. The fee charged to the sender is 500 hundred rupiah which is automatically deducted. So when in your  balance you have 10 thousand rupiah left to send a balance of 5 thousand then you can’t. Because after deducting shipping costs, the balance remains only 4.5 thousand rupiah. But the fee will only be charged when using short messages, Dial Up, and Apps.
  5. For numbers receiving an active period it will be increased in accordance with the terms of renewal.

Terms and Conditions for Sending Credit to Non-Smartfren

Smartfen can not only be used to send balances to other providers. However, for the 3-way process of transferring the last smartfren credit in 2020, a more expensive fee, 2 thousand rupiah will be charged. So when you send a balance of 10 thousand rupiah, it will reduce the balance by 12 thousand rupiah. As for the recipient, there will be no discounted fees.

Regarding the requirements for the 3 ways to transfer smartfren credit in 2020, both numbers certainly have to be active. Meanwhile, regarding the frequency of delivery, it is a maximum of 12 days depending on the availability of your balance. For recipients to other operators you will not obtain an additional active period. If you would like to get an additional active period, please try filling in independently.

The last stipulation, when the process fails, but the balance of the sender is reduced, it is certain that he will receive a refund. But before that you can see if the signal is stable or not if the sender’s process uses the Uangku or My Smartfren application.

If you still fail to send you , you can ask the call center for an explanation to (021) 50100000 or the counter directly. If it is through the counter, you can only get service during working time. Meanwhile, if you pass through the call centre , you will be served for a full 24 hours.

How to Transfer Balance to Non-Smartfren

3 ways to transfer the latest smartfren credit 2020 into different providers short messaging services can be used. Start by writing the target number then it can be sent to 7000. You can then receive a confirmation message.

Enter the answer “Y” to give an affirmative answer.  Get a short message again that informs if the process is successful or not. If successful, the destination number of the consignment will also get notification of the entry of the balance.

In addition to the above methods, it can also be done using the My Smartfren application. If you already have one, please open an account using your number. Then open the E-balance menu. Next, the destination number data, please enter as well as the amount on the form provided. Finally write down the MPIN before selecting the transfer.

Sending using SMS starts with writing send{.} target number{.} the balance value. Then write 879 to the receiver, press the sender’s panel, the process is complete. It remains only to be expected whether or not to succeed. If successful the operator sends a short message notification.

The last way to transfer data to someone else is using “UANGKU”. If you already have this application, go directly to the initial menu. Navigate to “Send Credit”, you will get  a data form. Fill in all the requested data. If you have fulfilled all the processes, you will be notified of the successful transaction process via a short message.

Because usually the balance of this emergency transaction is not too much, you need to use it well. The first option, of course, is to use it to access M-banking to increase your credit independently. If you don’t have M-banking, you can use Market Place or other ways to increase your balance.

If sending a balance on its own is still stuck, use it effectively. Especially for basic needs such as communication. To maintain the balance so that it does not run out quickly, temporarily turn off, location, google map, and other applications. Likewise with automatic  downloads  of both applications and media. A very effective way to save credit results from the 3 ways to transfer the latest smartfren credit in 2020.